Player Info
Param Result
Numero de juegos 159
Number of Kills 63
Kills Per Game 0.3962
Number of Killed Players Inside Vehicles 4
Number of Teamkills 2
Teamkills Per Game 0.0126
Number of Deaths 120
Aliveness 25%
Number of Deaths Caused by Friendly Fire 6
Number of Deaths Inside Vehicles 8
Rating -0.3831
Kills Distributed by Weapons
Weapon Average Distance, m Max Distance, m Number of Kills
AK-74M 69 166 15
M16A2 151 312 6
L86A2 LSW 166 556 4
SVD Dragunov 370 792 4
Mk 11 Mod 0 (Desert) 79 139 3
AKM 13 18 2
AKS-74 23 42 2
Izhmash RPK-74N 62 77 2
L7A2 GPMG 92 103 2
M16A2 M203 96 135 2
Kills Distributed by Vehicles
Vehículo Average Distance, m Max Distance, m Number of Kills
GAZ-3937 Vodnik (2x PKM) 861 861 1
Deaths Distributed by Vehicles
Vehículo Number of Deaths
GAZ-233014 1
GAZ-233014 (Camo) 1
Hilux (Rocket) 1
M998A1 (4D/Covered) 1
Mi-8MTV-3 1
Offroad (ametralladora pesada) 1
T-72B (obr. 1984g.) 1
Ural-4320 (Combustible) 1
Most Frequent Victims
Most Frequent Killers
Most frequently used slots
Unidad Numero de juegos Rate
Líder de escuadrón 47 29.56%
Líder de equipo 13 8.18%
Fusilero 13 8.18%
Tirador 13 8.18%
Médico 10 6.29%
Oficial 10 6.29%
Fusilero automático 7 4.40%
Granadero 7 4.40%
Asis. especialista en misiles (AT) 4 2.52%
Asis. Fusilero automático 4 2.52%
Miembro de la tripulación 3 1.89%
Portador de munición 3 1.89%
Fusilero (AT) 3 1.89%
Especialista en misiles (AT) 3 1.89%
Especialista en reparaciones 3 1.89%
Ingeniero 2 1.26%
Tirador de primera 2 1.26%
Fusilero (antitanque pesado) 1 0.63%
Líder de pelotón 1 0.63%
Explorador de reconocimiento 1 0.63%
Medic 1 0.63%
Rifleman 1 0.63%
Recon Team Leader 1 0.63%
Machinegunner (M240) 1 0.63%
Civil 1 0.63%
Командир отделения 1 0.63%
Снайпер 1 0.63%
Piloto de helicóptero 1 0.63%
Explorador de reconocimiento (AT) 1 0.63%
Player A.K.A.s
Jugador Steam Id Numero de juegos Last seen on Last Mission
Nuist *************0809 16 22 ene. 2022 Вечер октября 1.0
[COBALT] Nuist Current acc *************0809 32 12 mar. 2022 Жук в муравейнике 1.8
[COBALT]Nuist *************0809 98 17 sept. 2022 Граница 2.0
[uaw] Nuist Actual acc *************0809 63 20 may. 2023 Jewish boogaloo 1.1
Player Squads
Player's results
Previous Games
El jugador no jugó ningún juego.
Player as a faction commander
Misión Fecha y hora de inicio de la misión Isla Jugador Player's faction Player's result Opponent Opponent's faction Opponent's result
Ливанский гамбит 1.2 20 may. 2022 23:24 Anizay [COBALT]Nuist WEST Victory [DT]Toshka GUER Defeat
Easy Island 1.3 4 jun. 2022 23:13 Isola di Capraia [COBALT]Nuist EAST Defeat [A+]pika4ytka WEST Victory
Easy Island 1.3 16 jul. 2022 23:18 Isola di Capraia [COBALT]Nuist WEST Defeat [JW]Setris EAST Victory
Павлово 1.1 30 jul. 2022 22:49 Chernarus 2000 [COBALT]Nuist WEST Victory [SRR]Omega EAST Defeat